Sunday, January 17, 2010

Don’t fight the urge.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Do you ever just have the urge to blog? Nothing in particular to say, just want to blog. Often this is the case with me. Any of my faithful readers know this. (And most likely groan every time they see I've posted another one.)

Today is one of those days. A day that I want to share, but I got nothing. So I am going to throw out more nonsense. Consider yourself warned.

It is a beautiful day in sunny Alabama. I am inside working, missing all of it.

I am probably one of the few people you will meet that hopes it rains Thursday. =)

I am thankful for my friends. The ones who are old, the ones who are new, the ones who tell me their deep, dark secrets. (You know who you are.)

I am quite happy to be a big scary lesbian. I don't know why other people can't be happy for me. I'm here, I'm queer...etc. I give major kudos to a 13 year old girl brave enough to come out and try to communicate with her parents. So why is this mom seeking advice as to how to stop her daughter from "talking gay talk all the time?" I told this mom coming from a lesbian and someone who used to be 13, savor your daughter's honesty. Love her for who she is, not how she identifies sexually. And I am proud of me.

I am determined to try a new Italian restaraunt for the first time at some point this weekend.

I hope people can see right through me. I hope everyone knows I am genuine, honest, and call it as I see it.

I believe it is not only not cool to be unhappy. It is wrong to be unhappy. Only you have power over your happiness. So if it ain't there, do something to change it.

And one more thing, I want to see Lionel Richie some day....

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