Saturday, April 12, 2008
So a little background. Several years ago, when the only person that knew about my "orientation" was my secret lover, a girl I'd been friends with since high school called me. We talked regularly and about almost everything. On that day, she called and just asked me if I was gay. I'm a raging queer, not a liar, so I said yes. She preached me up one side and down the other, we hung up and never talked again. That has been nearly 4 years. I had a list of "people you may know" on Facebook last week. Lo and behold, this "friend" was there. I added her. I am just that forgiving. I received this message from her a couple of days ago: (names have been deleted to protect the bitch) Hi Lori, I was quite surprised to hear from you. I have thought of you and wondered how you were doing. I always pray for you and am confident the Lord loves and cares so much for you.I can see by your facebook page that you have continued down a path that is very different then the path I am on and that you have found support from others in what you have chosen. I told you in our last conversation that I would be here if you ever needed prayer support to leave the lesbian lifestyle, but that I could not put myself in a position to accept your choice as being okay with me. I love you Lori, God loves your soul.I think you have probably pushed God's truth way down deep inside you, and if so it may cause you many depressed moments and unhappiness that you are where you are. I'm sure many tell you any hurt you feel is just because of intolerant people ( I'm sure they would put me in that catogory) But, the uncomfort that you feel( and all of us sinners feel at at times) does not just come from people that believe homosexuality is wrong, it also comes from God. He is trying to convict you in those depressing moments when you carry a nagging burden in yourself that you are not getting the best that God has for you. You are satisfying a temptation that satan has thrown at you. We all have our own temptations that he hurls our way and we have to decide whether to take the flesh pleasing way or God's best. I pray you will someday decide you want God's best. If you have contacted me because you need me to pray for you. I will. I have thought about this greatly the past few days, and just don't feel I can open myself up to what you have on your facebook page. It just goes against every part of me and who I am, and what I believe. I hope you understand. It is hard for me to be so blunt. It is not at all my intention to hurt you. You have so many wonderful traits and gifts that God sure would love for you to use for Him. I care so much about you. I am going to give you some time to respond. I'm sure you noticed that I am back in Athens, Tennessee. My email is if you want to email me directly. Sincerely, XXX My response to her was simple: I saw you on here and just thought I would check in with you. I still love and care about you. I am glad that things have been good for you and your family. I understand how you feel and I will take the step you need by deleting you from my friends list. I am not angry. I wish you the best. ~L This isn't the first time I have heard these things. I have been under fire 2x since I have been home about this already. I will post later some of the things I have found in research, but quite frankly, I think it is quite possible to be both a hot lesbian and a good christian. And I am, so bite me. |
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