Tuesday, October 11, 2011

National Coming Out Day 2011

Every person in the LGBT community who has made that journey from the closet has a story.
Some of those stories are funny, some heartwarming, others are heartbreaking, even violent.
In the end, we all have a story. I've shared my story. The parts that were scary, exciting, and sexy.
I encourage you to tell your story. Your sexual orientation is nothing to fear.
For the straight allies ~ For the families who've welcomed us with open hearts, minds, and arms ~
For the friends who became family when our own turned their backs ~
For the ones who've lost their lives ~ For those who've suffered in silence ~
For all the ones who came out before me ~ For all the ones who will come out after me ~Thank you.

It is with PRIDE that I celebrate my sexuality today. And every day.